  • 中文姓名 : 俞美美
    英文姓名 : MARGARET KOO
    中文職務 : 2008年總會長
    英文職務 : Chairman in 2008
    會籍會 : 美國總會
    公司名稱 : 新澤西州立博物館
    Email : 
    俞美美會友 Margaret Koo 畢業於銘傳大學會計系, 1963 年赴麻州州立大學研究所就讀,後隨夫婿定居於大紐約地區。

    俞美美會友曾服務於國際知名的航空公司任資深稽核師達十八年。 1984 返台創業,在流行服飾業展露頭角, 1990 年為台灣某知名服飾公司在紐約設立分公司。退休後即全心轉投入社區服務。

    俞美美會友在華人社區非常活躍,與美國主流社會保有良好關係。 1978 年曾任普林斯頓中文學校校長,之後又任新州中部華人協會 (CJCAA) 及婦女會 (Women's club) 會長。

    2004 年經新澤西州長提名並經州參議會通過,任命為新澤西州州立博物館董事,這對華裔是非常高的榮譽。俞會友亦為美國防癌協會新澤西州華人組 (American Cancer Society, NJ Chinese Unit) 顧問。

    1995 年合創美東國際傑人會,至 2005 年接任美國國際傑人會總會長期間,積極協助創立指導美東各個分會,力邀各界傑出精英加入本會,雖歷經許多艱難辛苦,均能堅守傑人信念,保持努力做事的傑人服務精神,從無間斷,會務蒸蒸日上。

    2007 年接任國際傑人會副總會長後,更義無反顧,率先帶領國際傑人會,申辦加入聯合國 NGO 非政府組織成員,全力克服萬難並經審核通過,將為傑人會開啟進入國際社會的關鍵一刻。


  • 俞美美 總會長 的話:
    創會長 金扶東先生是我尊敬的長輩,當年在他對我熱心的提議下,終於1995年創立美東國際傑人會後,便致力將傑人精神發揚光大,迄今2008年接任世界總會長一職後,更是以推動傑人會能夠邁向國際化的目標前進!這一年來,感謝會務人員及熱心會友的幫助,讓我能夠順利的展開推動傑人會務的工作,此一階段性任務終將劃下句點,其中,非常感謝各位前總會長們辛苦的推動 廖祿堙候任總會長接任世界總會長,一路以來,我以最誠摰的心來感謝這些辛苦為傑人會付出的前輩們。
    一年以來,除了積極推動國際傑人會加入聯合國NGO組織及訪問各分會活動外,三月份,參加港澳總會所屬半島分會新會成立大典;四月份,訪問澳門總會和其「扶困助學」學校及恩平市政協主席龔秀嫻女士、參加紐西蘭總會成立大會、訪問澳洲總會;五月份,積極會面聯合國官員討論NGO事宜、參加馬英九總統就職典禮、訪問榮譽總會長吳主席伯雄先生、參加會務發展專案委員會議;八月份,全程參與8/17美東分會與巴露華交響樂團 (Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra)聯合舉辦「有您真好:舞出慈善之音」舞林大會(Dancing Maniac Party),參與THE 4TH STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAM AT PRINCETON籌備會議於普林斯頓大學,且持續推動成立普林斯頓大學傑青;九月份,參與美東分會專題講座;十一月份,參與美東分會與普林斯頓國際中心所聯合舉行之THE 4TH STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAM AT PRINCETON……等等。
    在這一年與各位傑人會友向外訪問各國總會時,能夠深深體會到 金創會長與各位前總會長們及會務人員,將傑人會一步一腳印的向外擴展,是非常艱辛及困難的,雖目前世界總會的制度及架構未能完備,但幸由 廖祿堙總會長一手擔下此重責,雖此重擔是需長期的改革始能完成,但是,有 廖總會長的帶領下一定會為傑人會創下新的一頁,更是為傑人會奠定永續經營的基礎。
    Mr. Jin Fudong, the initial president, who is the elder I respected to, under his enthusiastic proposal, I finally established DCSI-EAST in 1995, to carry out the spirit of the DCSI. After taking this president post in 2008, I am devoted myself in promoting people to move in the direction of internationalization!
    Over the past year, thanks to all of the business officials,
    members, and the help of enthusiasm friends, to let me start smoothly to promote the business. This end-stage task now will be ended, and I appreciate to the great efforts from the former presidents to promote Mr. Diaw Do En being the general-president of DCSI-world, and I most sincerely to thank heartily to those who contribute their best efforts.
    Since I have taken the post, "to move forward in harmony" is adopted as the business promotion direction. Under strengthening the existing branch, and the elite members of Chinese young men and women are developed to establish friendly relations between Government and community organizations, as far as possible to join in the United Nations and NGO organizations.
    We aim at developing the DCSI business and will do our best for this target!
    Over the past year, in addition to actively promote DCSI to join in the United Nations and NGO organizations, and visiting the branches under various activities holding, in March, we participated in the Federation of Hong Kong and Macao for their peninsula branch to set up the new ceremony;
    in April, we visited the Federation of Hong Kong and Macao and “the poor students” schools and Miss Gong Xiuxian, the Chairman of Enping City People's Political Consultative Conference, participated in the inaugural meeting of the Federation of New Zealand, and visited the Australian Federation; in May, a positive meeting with United Nations officials to discuss matters relating
    to NGO, to attend in the inauguration of President Ma Ying-Jeou, to visit Mr. Wu Po-Hsiung, honorable Chairman, to participate in the development of the committee meetings; In August, participated in Dancing Maniac Party (Nice to have you: a charity dance voice.)jointly organized and held by the Bravura Philharmonic Orchestra and DCSI-EAST branches on Aug. 17, to participate in the preparatory meeting of THE 4TH STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAM AT PRINCETON at
    Princeton University and Princeton University, and continue promoting the establishment of the Chinese young men and women; in September, participated in the seminars of DCSI-East Branch;
    In November, participated in THE 4TH STUDENT MENTORING PROGRAM AT PRINCETON held by the DCSI-East Branch and Princeton International Center ... ... and so on.
    During the past year, when visiting the Federation countries together with all members of you,
    I have gained a better understanding that it is very hardship and diffi culty for the former presidents
    and their staff to work into the step of expansion. Although the current system and structures of the World Federation is incomplete, fortunately the president, Liao Lu-Yen, have taken this heavy
    responsibility. Although this is a burden reforms required for a long time to complete, however,
    under leading of the president Mr. Liao Lu-Yen, certainly a new era of DCSI will be created and founded for sustainable development.
    Finally, I would like to thank all of the DCSI supporters and partners of this year, without your dedication and selfl ess help, the history of DCSI will not be continued, and your contribution certainly becomes an integral part of DCSI’s glory history.
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